That is a purely the Mindset has a strong will to over control the physical body which is not strong enough to maintain to be functional.
Most of the cases were they are not having enough training and warm up before the event.
A Marathon will consume a lot of energy and most of the case their Cardiac condition has to be able to sustain the event.
I have an acute stoppage of my heart when I had a very extreme Push for my body going up hill at high speed, luckily I did not push further or I will not be here to talk about Marathon, young man sometimes may over estimate their physical condition...
Hope that this is the last time to have this unluckily event and hope that all participants did not underestimate the physcal condition of the body.
Think carefully and consult your family doctor when you participant Standard Chartered Marathon 2013.
Hope that this is the last case and everyone can enjoy Marathon in 2013.
HK Snob